Prevent Your Device from Fake Antivirus

Antivirus is intended to keep the device away from the malicious codes, software, etc. It is very important if you need the complete security of the device. But one has to be aware of the fake antivirus software which is not considered to shield the devices but rather they are made-up to steal personal information and attack the devices for one’s means. Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the fake antivirus software may seem original, a little research and knowledge will guide you about the truth. Fake virus scam strategies A…

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4 Major Android VPN Apps Contains Adware

Recently we published new about Kaspersky found malware in popular CamScanner app and Google removed 24 malware-infected apps from play store. But this is not the end of malware, there is evidence of new viruses or security breaches every day. Just now, Andy Michael, an independent security researcher from New Zealand, has published the Adware report from the Google Play Store apps. According to him, some of the major VPN apps, which have 500+ million users, show ads not only in the background while runner the app but capture home…

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